Saturday, May 15, 2004

If you have employees, be sure to show appreciation for their contribution to your enterprise!

If you have employees, they can be critical to whether your business is perceived favorably by your customers and business associates. Therefore, be sure to train your employees in the methods your business requires them to perform. It does not matter if they have or do not have experience in your industry--since your business is unique to you, you still must invest some time to ensure that each employee conforms to your specific needs for your particular business. Even if they have experience gained elsewhere, they may have also gained bad habits--if you start them with proper training and expectations and respect at the beginning of the employment, you will have fewer problems later. So many businesses do training at the very start of their business, but then get so busy that they don't attend to training the newer employees who have replaced those original employees who have moved on. After a while, there are no employees at the establishment who have gone through the original intensive training. Quality starts to go down, and customers move on to other establishments for their business. Allowing employees paid time off to attend training not only helps YOUR bottom line, but also shows an appreciation and respect for your employees that can pay dividends later with more happy customers.

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